The dbtvault Data Vault automation tool

This tool has piqued my interest to dig in and understand how it works and how to use it. I watched the new feature video and looked up in the history of posts and only found 1 dealing with its usage – (How do I build the Business Vault with dbtvault?). Has a dbtvault 101 document and/or video been created that walks you through the steps to get started?

Thank you


Hello Clay,

I started using dbtvault about a month ago, and I was new to dbt. I took an online dbt course. That really helped. But it didn’t cover the dbtvault. I am not sure if if there is dbtvault specific course. That would be nice.

Once I got the basics of the dbt, I just followed the document on the dbtvault site to get started. I still have a long way to go, and lot to learn…


Hey Saqib

I found this site

In the ribbon at the top, select the down triangle to expand the LEARN list. A video tutorial is available. Even though it’s outdated, it is very informative. Hope this helps.


We are aware there is demand for additional material and have plans to expand what we have.

There is a worked example as part of the dbtvault documentation. That should help. Our dbtvault readthedocs is comprehensive and should answer most questions, let us know if anything needs further discussion or examples and we’ll add to it. There is a dbtvault slack channel. And there is this forum for wider debate.

We are planning a series of small ‘how to’ videos showcasing the dbtvault functionality. Not available yet and will be released occasionally onto the dbtvault website ( and our YouTube channel.

And finally, we have a 3-day class nearing completion covering Data Vault for Developers, hands-on with Snowflake and dbtvault. We’ll be announcing dates soon.

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Thanks for the information Neil.