PMHC MDS based elements in Data Vault

In some areas of health they capture data around the PMC-MDS model

The basics appear pretty straightforward

I’m modeling a data vault DW around this. I’m curious if anyone has done similar and if they have any pitfalls to be aware of?

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me, no experience on it, but if you’re doing it then it would be useful to publish your learnings of it if you don’t mind :slight_smile:

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From my time in healthcare, be aware that the healthcare domain is enormous, and not very data-savvy. Keep your units of work very focused, as there is a lot of potential to get very side-tracked.

That basic model seems to be a good starting place for a project, but the units of work within that need to be kept tight. I can see things like drugs administered and diagnoses just itching to get out and make your model more complicated.

As with Patrick, very interested to see the learning from this domain.