How to implement hub haskey concept for same financial instrument from multiple source systems.

Scenario : Taking about same Business Entity record coming from multiple sources.

Source A sends IDENTIFIER 1 as PKEY, IDENTIFIER 2 loaded to satellite.
Source B sends null IDENTIFIER 1 and sends non null IDENTIFIER 2 (can consider IDENTIFIER 2 as PKEY)

Result : This will create two hub hash keys based on different identifiers (but they are same entity record only)

Expectation : Need to create one hub hash key since identifier 2 (source B) already exists as identifier 2 in satellite (source A).
Can we implement something like before making an entry in hub, if we could check Hub+Satellite data and if identifier 2 from source B matches with identifier 2 in satellite from source A. then do not create a new hash key.

Can somebody please assist.

I’d encourage you to look at Zero-key concept, it will help you decide on the approach here.

Also, be very careful using PKs as BKs; they are not! Perhaps some pre-staging is needed to resolve that!

Best of luck!