First try AutomateDV - what are the correct keys?

Hi together, I have a total noob question but we have just started testing Automate DV :leichtes_lächeln:
So, there are two staging tables involved in this, stg_eafako and stg_eakopf. They both have a EAFAKO_ID and EAKOPF_ID respectively.
I want to create a link table for them now. However, in our “old” approach, we would join these via mandant_id/mandant_id and pos_id/eakopf_pos_id. How would I design this via AutomateDV?
For all other tables, I would simply add a combined hashkey of both keys (PK and FK of the other table) to the respective staging table and then proceed from there. But this is the first time I have a case like this.

PS: I also posted the same message to the slack channel yesterday but realized that this platform is much more frequently used. :slight_smile:

Slack is best for AutomateDV Qs tbh… Alex is on there for realtime support!

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