I have a Hub and a Sat with dependent child key (generated sequence). I need to track changes at the dep-key level. The change status is not managed at the source, but it is possible to infer what happened to a dep-key per parent.
I chouse to use a Status tracking SAT, where I will track the status at dep-key level (and not the parent level). But I am not so sure that the usage of this SAT is appropriate.
Could you please advise?
STS is about tracking the business object (when it is hung off a hub) or a relationship (when it is hung off a link); it does not track updates to dep-keys
When you say “generated”, are you saying this dep-key is generated in the DV?
Thanks, confirming the proper usage for the STS.
Dependent child key (generated sequence) – yes, it can be generated in DV like an item number. For the records at dep-key level we can’t define a BK. The data is provided as a list of items and I need to track the delete of an item, beside insert and update. Every load I will get the complete image of the children list per parent and the delete could be inferred.
As an example a list of phone numbers per client, the numbers could be switched, added or deleted in/from the list.
How I will track the delete (changes) in this case?
Is it an MSAT as a SET? If yes, I think I don’t understand the MSAT. Could you help clarifying?
That is an improper use of dep-keys; if you are generating them in the DV then they are not dependent -child keys, more like sub-sequence keys used in a multi-active satellite.
Hello mloghin.
Solution to your problem would be to put the dep child into a link structure and add a effectivity satellite connected to that link.