Hello everyone!
Possibly slightly off-topic for the forum, but the context is within a planned DV2.0 modelled Snowflake target.
My customer is looking to deploy Qlik Data Movement (it seems to have multiple names) as a CDC tool into a target Snowflake platform, Has anyone used Qlik Data Movement in this context?
I was trying to get my head around if there are any gotchas or any guidance on whether to use Parquet files on object storage (then use external tables) instead of a Snowflake permanent table directly as a Qlik target.
Also, linking into this, if the target is a Snowflake table (used for staging into the raw vault), should the staging table data be persistent or have data purged periodically? I was worried about the potential growth of the staging table and holding the raw data essentially long term in two places within Snowflake, as well as the impact of stream object behaviour if the staging table is best purged.