Business vault sat PITs

I have a BV sat which I’m using to calculate a monthly recurring revenue from a contract table and an invoices table (so i.e. take the monthly value if the invoice period is for a month, take the contract amount / contract months if it is e.g. a year) .

in creating this bv sat, I am using a PIT_invoice table already in the table creation so that I get the version of the invoice as of the PIT date.

But I’m not sure this is the right way to do this - should I do the logic to create the sat without the PIT, and then join to the PIT at query time? Any best practices on building a PIT before or after BV sat creation?

it’s up to you, it’s generally not the best practice — putting cart in… before a horse and after another horse! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems to me that if U already have the PIT table populated with Invoiced Amount each month-end, then U might as well use it in your BV_SAT.

I assume U have a source table with the monthly Invoiced amounts?

I don’t have the amount in the pit, just the keys (and timestamps), and my automator doesn’t yet have values going into PITs