Modelling Question on DV2.0

Hi @patrickcuba,

I was discussing the choice to include the dependent-child key in the LINK SAT rather than the LINK itself with a colleague this morning and the discussion came to how we handle / track the deletion of a dependent-child key occurrence. The LINK HASH KEY in the LINK, and subsequently in the LINK SAT, could have a number of dependent-child key occurrences within it. So a Status Tracking Satellite (STS) on the LINK would not be able to not be able to provide us with sufficient information at the right grain to determine which of the dependent-child key occurrences had been deleted.

I have searched for other posts regarding this issue but these seemed to indicate that a STS on the LINK would not be sufficient and I found another post where you stated that you shouldn’t use a STS against another satellite (the LINK SAT).

So, how do you track the deletion of a dependent child in a LINK SAT?

Thanks in advance for any additional guidance you can provide.


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